How to write a application to the principal ? Intermediate and B. A students of Punjab University.

 In this article, I have explained how to write an application to the principal. I have also given some important applications which can be selected in the examination of intermediate examination. There are nine important applications that can be selected in the examination. These are written in simple and easy language so that you can remember them easily.

How to write an application to the principal?

Application No. 1

Application to the principal for character certificate.

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A. B. C.

Subject:  Issuance of character certificate.


Respectfully, it is stated that I have been a student of this college during the session 2019-2020. My record as a student was excellent. I passed my Intermediate examination in the high first division. Now I intend to get admission to ABC university. I need a character certificate issued from your office for this purpose. I request you please issue me the character certificate.
I shall be thankful for this anticipation.

 Dated: March 20, 2020.

                                                                                             Yours obediently,
                                                                                               X    .Y       Z.

Application No. 2

Application to principal for one month's leave.

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.   B.    C.

Subject:  Leave for a month.


Respectfully, it is stated that my father is a cardiac patient. The doctor has suggested a bypass operation. I being the eldest son, have the responsibility of his look after in the hospital. Therefore I may not attend the class for about a month. I request you to kindly grant me leave for a month starting from October 10,2020 to November 10, 2020.

I shall be thankful for this anticipation.

Dated: October 09, 2020.                                                  Yours obediently,
                                                                                            X.       Y.       Z.

Application No. 3

Application for grant of fee concession.

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.   B.     C

Subject:  Fee Concession


Respectfully, it is stated that I am a student of the Intermediate Humanities group at your college. I passed My Matriculation examination in the high first division. My monthly test record at college is also good I belong to a poor family. My father works in a factory on daily wages. I find it hard to meet my expenses of education I, therefore, request you to grant me a full fee concession.

I shall be thankful for this anticipation.

Dated:  10,2020.                                                       Yours obediently,

                                                                                      X.      Y.   Z.

Application No. 5

Application for remission of special fine.

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.   B.     C.

Subject:  Remission of Fine.

Respectfully, it is stated that I had been a student of Intermediate in your college during the session2019 to 2020. I was fined Rs.500 for being absent from college for ten days. I did not do it intentionally. I fell seriously ill. My father was away for his business and there was no one who could submit my application for leave. Apart from this time, my attendance record is satisfactory,. Therefore, I request you to remit this fine.

I shall be thankful for this anticipation.

Dated:  March 10, 2020.                                                    Yours obediently,
                                                                                             X.    Y.      Z. 

Application No. 6

Application for refund of the library fund.

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.     B.    C.

Subject: Refund of Library Fee


Respectfully, it is stated that I had been a student of intermediate in your college during the session 2019-2020. I passed the board examination this year. During the academic period, I paid Rs. 500 as a library fee. Now I request a refund of this fee. I assure you that I have returned the books I borrowed from the library.

I shall be thankful for this anticipation.

Dated: March 10, 2020.                                                      Yours obediently,
                                                                                              X.     Y.      Z.

Application No. 7

Application for re-admission

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.     B.     C.

Subject:    Re-admission


Respectfully, it is stated that I am a student of Intermediate Ist year at this college. Last month, I went to the village where I fell seriously ill. I have attached with this application a medical certificate from the MS of the rural Health Center. My father was away for his business and there was no one who could submit my application for leave. It is for this reason that my name has been struck off the college roll. I request you to re-admit me to college. I assure you that I shall be careful in the future.
I shall be thankful for this anticipation.

dated: March10 2020.
                                                                                           Yours obediently,
                                                                                            X.     Y.      Z.

Application No. 8

Application for change of subject

The Principal,
Govt. College.
A.     B,    C.

Subject:   Application for change of subject


Respectfully, it is stated that I am a student of Intermediate Ist year at this college. I selected the Pre-engineering group for my studies. Nut I belong to a poor family and have to do a part-time job for household expenses. Therefore, I cannot concentrate on science subjects. I want to continue my studies with the subjects of the Humanities group,

I shall be thankful to you for this anticipation.

Dated: March 20, 2020.                                                 Yours obediently,
                                                                                        X.      Y.        Z.

Application No. 9

Application for condoning shortage of lecture

The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.     B.     C.

Subject: Condoning shortage of lecturers.


Respectfully, it is stated that I am a student of intermediate Ist year at this college. Last month, I went to the village where I fell seriously ill, I have attached with this application a medical certificate from the MS of the Rural Health Center. My father was away for his business and there was no one who could submit my application for a leave it is for this reason that I am not being allowed to appear in Board Examination lectures and allow to appear in the examination.

I shall be very thankful for this anticipation.

Dated:  March 10, 2020.                                                    Yours obediently,
                                                                                             X.       Y.      Z.

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