Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite tense) with examples and exercise.

In this article, I have explained the present tense with examples and exercises. I have explained when the present tense is used. I have also given the structure and identification of the present tense. I have explained simple, negative, interrogative, and wh interrogative sentences. 

Present Indefinite Tense

When we used the simple present tense?


  • Express an action in the present time
  • Express habitual action
  • Daily Event
  • universal facts
  • Action is done on a regular basis


Ist form of verb or base form of a verb is used as the main verb in a sentence. Do is used as a helping verb in the present indefinite tense.

How to form the simple present tense?

Structure of sentence

1. Positive sentence

Subject + VI +Object

In a positive sentence of present indefinite tense first of all, we used subject after subject first form of the verb is used. In a positive sentence helping verb is not used. In the end, we used an object. If the subject is He, She, It, or singular noun then S or es is added to the Ist form of the verb. If the subject is I, You, We, They, or plural noun then the only first form of the main verb is used.
Subject +Ist form of main verb + object.


  • He eats an apple.
  • Goher eats an apple.
  • She eats an apple.
  • It rains in the summer.
  • I eat an apple.
  • We eat an apple.
  • You eat an apple.
  • They eat an apple.

How to make negative sentences?

2. Negative Sentence

Subject + Do not / Does not +VI + Object

In negative sentences helping verb do or does is used. In negative sentences helping verb do with not is used. If the subject is He, She, It or a singular noun then does not is used after the subject of the verb. If the subject is I, We, You, They, or plural noun then don not is used after subject in a sentence. On e thing keep in your mind in negative sentences s or es is not added with the first form of the main verb.


  • He does not eat an apple.
  • Goher does not eat an apple,
  • She does not eat an apple.
  • I do not eat an apple.
  • we do not eat an apple.
  • You do not eat an apple.
  • They do not eat an apple.

How to make interrogative sentences?

Interrogative Sentences

Do / Does + Subject +VI + Object +?

In interrogative sentences first of all helping verb do or does is used then subject, after subject Ist form of the main verb is used and at the end, the object is used. If the subject is He, She, It or singular noun helping verb does is used. If the subject is They, we, You, I, or plural noun helping do is used. One thing remembers in your mind in interrogative sentences S or ES is not added with the main verb.


  • Does he eat an apple?
  • Does Goher eat an apple?
  • Does she eat an apple?
  • Do I eat an apple?
  • Do you eat an apple?
  • Do we eat an apple?
  • Do they eat an apple?
  • Does it rain in the summer?

Interrogative + Negative

Do / Does + Subject + Not + VI + Object + ?

In interrogative plus negative sentences we use the helping verb Do or Does at the beginning and the subject is used after the helping verb then the first form of the main verb is used and in the end, an object is used. At the end of the sentence question mark (?) is added. In interrogative plus negative sentences, S or ES is not added with the first form of the main verb.


  • Does he not eat an apple?
  • Does Goher not eat an apple?
  • Does she not eat an apple?
  • Does it not rain in the summer?
  • Do I not eat an apple?
  • Do you not eat an apple?
  • Do they not eat an apple?

(WH) Interrogative sentences

WH + Do / Does +Subject + VI + Oject

In WH interrogative sentence, (WH) words like Who, When, How, Where, How, Which, etc are used in the start of a sentence then the subject is used then the Ist form of the main verb is used and in the end, an object is used. At the end of a sentence question mark (?) is used.


  • Why does he eat an apple?
  • Who eats an apple?
  • When does Ghoer eat an apple?
  • How does she eat an apple?
  • Why do I eat an apple?
  • Where do you eat an apple?
  • Why do we eat an apple?
  • How do they eat an apple?
  • How does it rain in the summer?


Simple sentence

  •  Subject + Main verb  + Object
  • Subject +  VI + Objec
  •   He writes a letter.

Negative Sentence

  •  Subject +Helping verb + Not + Main Verb + object
  • Subject + Do not / Does not +VI + Object
  •    He does not write a letter.

Interrogative Sentence

  • Helpin verb + Subject + Main verb + Object
  •   Do/ Does + Subject + Main Verb Ist + Object
  •    Does he write a letter?

Interrogative + Negative

  • Helping verb + Subject + Not + VI +Object
  •   Do / Does + Subject  + VI +Not + Object
  •      Does he not write a letter?

(WH) Interrogative 

  • WH (words) +Helping verb + Subject +VI + object
  •  WH (words) + Do / Does + Subject + Main verb Ist +Object
  •    Why does he write a letter?   

Key Points 

In the present Indefinite tense Do or Does is used as a helping verb and the First form of the main verb is used.  You need to remember these two points. If you can remember these two points it's mean you know the present indefinite tense.


Always, usually, Often, Regularly,   Universal Truth,  Every, very much                     


1. She writes a letter.
She does not write a letter.
Does she write a letter?
Does she not write a letter?
why does she write a letter?

2. He takes exercise daily.
He does not take exercise daily.
Does he take exercise daily?
Does he not take exercise daily?
Why does he take exercise daily?

3. We hate them.
We do not hate them.
Do we hate them?
Do we not hate them?
How do we hate them?

4. She likes her cousin.
She does not like her cousin.
Does she like her cousin?
Does she not like her cousin?
Why does she like her cousin?

5. Hina hates them.
Hina does not hate them?
Does Hina hate them?
Does Hina not hate them?
Why does Hina hate them

6. They sing a song.
They do not sing a song.
Do they sing a song?
Do they not sing a song?
Why do they sing a song?

7. Goher learns a lesson daily.
Goher does not learn a lesson daily.
Does Goher learn a lesson daily?
Does Goher not learn a lesson daily?
Why does Goher learn a lesson daily?

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